Maharishi Foundation

There is a development within Rendlesham that is constructed in a very special manner in accord with ancient principles of architecture in accord with Natural Law, the principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. This kind of architecture defines the orientation, placement and proportion of buildings to promote maximum comfort and good fortune for the occupants. These principles have been applied in a beautiful Suffolk style to achieve cultural continuity, see photos.

The inspiration for this development comes from the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who brought Transcendental Meditation to the UK over 50 years ago; a simple, non-religious technique that can be practised by anyone to enjoy relief from stress, development of creativity and better relationships.

Transcendental Meditation (or T.M. as it is often called) comes from the same ancient tradition as Sthapatya Veda architecture and also Ayurvedic health care.

The organisation that teaches Transcendental Meditation in this country, the Maharishi Foundation, is planning in the near future to construct a residential education centre and Ayurvedic health spa adjoining the development of Sthapatya Veda houses, see illustration.

This is an exciting development for the community of Rendlesham as the facilities will offer courses and programmes of benefit to all, ranging from meditation to aromatherapy, Ayurvedic massage and Yoga.

Maharishi development Maharishi development
Contacts/Further Information
Annie Renwick on 01394 421136
(Transcendental Meditation, Suffolk)

Transcendental Meditation