Rendlesham Youth Group Charity

Rendlesham Youth Group Charity is registered with the Charity Commission (No: 1080610)

The aim of our youth group is to provide a safe, stimulating and friendly environment for the young people of Rendlesham offering information, education, support and above all fun. Our activities include age appropriate arts and crafts, computer games, table football, and internet access. We also promote healthy eating through the snacks and drinks we provide.

The Safeguarding Officers are:

Heather Heelis (Clerk to Rendlesham Parish Council) - Youth Group Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mike Bone - Senior Club Safeguarding Officer

The aims and objectives of Rendlesham Youth Group Charity Committee are:
To oversee the management and performance of the Charity on behalf of the Council
To review the effectiveness of the Charity's work and the standards and levels of service, and to comply with Charity law and best practice
To determine and review corporate strategies, policies and priorities; to identify the need for new services and keep under review the existing ones
To guide the Council in its role as corporate trustee
To ensure the organisation and management processes of the Charity are designed to make the most effective contribution to the achievement of the Charity's objects. To keep them under review in light of changing circumstances, make recommendations to the Council as necessary for change in either staff or committee structure, or the distribution of functions and responsibilities

Agendas and Minutes