Anti Social Behaviour

Published: 13 April 2021


Whilst East Suffolk is a very safe place to live, a minority of people can sometimes behave in an anti-social fashion, so East Suffolk Council is keen to work with local communities to tackle all such Anti-Social Behaviour.

It has been found that there appears to be an under-reporting of ASB issues.

Whatever the reason for this, the lack of information about incidents restricts the ability of the Council or Police to take action.

So we are encouraging residents to report all Anti-Social Behaviour, either to Suffolk Police or East Suffolk Council.

Along with the relaxing of lockdown restrictions, we are heading towards the time of year where ASB tends to increase.

>> If you are affected by Anti-Social Behaviour, don’t tolerate it, report it!

To report Anti-Social Behaviour

Online, go to:

By telephone, ring Suffolk Police on 101, or in an Emergency, dial 999


Nicole Rickard | Head of Communities, ES Council